Dans les années 90, il faisait tourner la tête des adolescentes en posant dans les plus grands magazines de mode. Vingt ans plus tard, Werner Schreyer n’a pas vraiment changé. Toujours aussi photogénique, il est l’un des rares modèles masculins que les marques de luxe s’arrachent encore. Mais derrière ses yeux bleus et ses faux airs de James Dean, se cache aussi un talent de peintre que beaucoup de gens ignorent. Interview.
Elisa Seydi
Crédit Photo © Stefan Kiss
In the 90s, he mades turn the head of the teenagers by posing in the biggest fashion magazines. Twenty years later, Werner Schreyer did not really change. Always so photogenic, it is one of the rare male Top models that luxury brands still tear shoot. But behind the blue eyes and its James Dean’s airs , also hides painter’s talent which a lot of people ignores.
You know as a Top Model, how all started in the conception of clothes and why ?
Actually since I came out of my art school I painted a lot. And then one day I had the idea to paint on a tshirt to create my own personal tshirt. I wanted to have something unusal, very individual and artistic. When my friend and manager saw this, she said – “omg werner that is great. Let’s produce some tshirts”. That is the result now – one year later.[emaillocker id=”5111″] [/emaillocker]
How would you describe the collection ?
I wanted to mix fashion and art. Something which is exclusive, unusual and very individual. Something which you can combine with classy style but also more casual. I think I met that target.
What is your approach in design ?
The tshirts I designed myself – for the design “released” I used a photography done by my old friend francois matthys and overpainted it. It is more pop-art tshirt and the production was more easy. For design “jitter” I used my own painting and printed it with screen printing on the tshirt. Every tshirt manually. You cant put that in a mass production as it is over the shoulder and arms. That is why every tshirt is not like the other… each tshirt is unique…[emaillocker id=”5111″] [/emaillocker]
Are you working with a designer ?
No – really all my own idea. I did everything of my own… which was a really hard piece of work.
How would you describe your own style?
Exclusive, unusual and very individual – not streamlined
Who inspire you to create ?
I love Jackson Pollock, Jan Saudek, Stefan Zweig, Samuel Beckett, JP Sartre…
© Stefan Kiss
What is your way of working ?
Just do it… somehow the fire starts burning and its like fever… and I NEED to paint or design and then for hours/ days nobody hears anything from me and my crazy side can come out.
What are your inspirations to create this collection?
Just used my paintings I did before… my inspiration was really to combine fashion and art and have something nobody had.
Could you give me a fashion tip?
Never combine more than 3 colors with each other on your daily look.
What are your 3 basics ?
1. high quality jeans (one of my favorite is from Burberry. Already 6 years old and still looking great in cut and color)
2. high quality and simple tshirt (not too many colors on the shirt, simple look, great material not that you wash it once and then the shape of your shirt is gone) – my own ones of course
3. high quality jacket more classy style –(blazer, trenchcoat) black, blue or grey – you always can combine everything with those colors and classy style without thinking too much…
What are your favorites places at the moment ?
My favorite cities are Paris, London, Zürich, NYC/LA – always love to be there with my friends. I have different restaurants and too many I like to go that I cant decide for one. For art – I can highly recommend Tate gallery in London, MOMA and “Neue Galerie” in NYC and of course Louvre in Paris….
Which are your hobbies ?
Martial art, Running, Swimming, Hiking, Painting, photography, travelling and meeting new and interesting people from all kind of cultural background. I am a big fan of multi-cultural. It makes the world so colorful but it requires an open mind and respect for the individual.
What is your next project ?
I am on to get an exhibition with my friend Franck Laguilliez in Paris to show my overpaintings of photos he did. Pretty wild stuff I have to say but we want to tell the story about darkness and light.